
Support Small Business Saturday

Try not to shop till you drop on Black Friday and please save some stamina to support Small Business Saturday on November 26th.  I am very lucky to live in New York where shopping is almost an Olympic event but it's the small businesses and unique little stores that make it special.  Bleecker Street used to be one of my favorite places to shop when it was full of quaint antique stores and Biography Book Store.  They've since been replaced by well known retailers and it's just not the same.  That's why I will definitely be supporting Small Business Saturday myself.  Lexington Avenue near where I live has also seen many stores close so it's the first place I will be shopping. 

I will begin at Bunny William's lovely shop Treillage where I'll look for presents for friends and family and maybe a little something for myself.

I might also pick up some ornaments to decorate the full size tree I am getting this year.

Next door to Treillage is Lexington Gardens, another store filled with decorations and as the name suggests, flowers and garden accoutrements.

I love this painted backdrop in their window.

Since I'm working on my own book, I have to support small bookstores like Archivia.  I love perusing their front table full of all the newest releases.

William Wayne farther down on Lexington Avenue can be a bit expensive but they always have great hostess gift ideas.

They also have a wide array of blue and white porcelain. 

After all that shopping, I will definitely need a pick me up. I'm not sure if Laduree is considered a small business since they are big in Paris but they only have one store in New York. I have also seen the owners helping out behind the counter so I am including them.  When I need a gift for a person who has everything, I always pick up a box of macarons.  And a few for myself of course.  They are the perfect present.

Happy Holidays and Happy Small Business Shopping!

Photos by Heather Clawson for Habitually Chic
By Admin Unknown, Pada 17.23

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